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Mediation Support

I will help facilitate the divorce process, help couples negotiate a fair settlement.
I frequently work with mediators to help clients going through divorce. Mediators help facilitate the divorce process, help couples negotiate a fair settlement and help parents with creating a parenting plan. Mediation is a really powerful way to get through a divorce. It’s so much cheaper than hiring an attorney, and you are able to maintain a much higher level of control over your own divorce. A mediator will sit down with you and help “mediate” all the issues of your divorce. They are a neutral third party, and objective in a way that you could not be about your own divorce.
But if a clear understanding is not had by all parties regarding the financial issues of divorce, then a mediator can oftentimes send clients to me to help work through and create an understanding of the financial decisions that need to be made. Some of those financial issues that we work through are:
What income is there, and will it be enough for two households?
If one spouse stayed home, and the other spouse worked, is it possible to maintain that, or do both spouses need to work?
What are the expenses of both parties? Will the current income cover?
What are all the assets/accounts up for division, inclusive of debts?
Review of retirement accounts
How will the marital home be handled?
Analysis of various settlement options to be sure the final settlement will be financially successful for both parties.
After establishing a thorough understanding of their financial picture, then those clients return to the mediator to finish up the divorce process. They are then able to negotiate the financial issues better because they now understand how they will impact them going forward. This understanding and clarity around the finances are so important because it provides you with the financial peace of mind you are looking for, and the confidence in your final settlement that you will be financially successful in the years to come.